Madden 07


Dec 25, 2006
Wii Online Code
I have madden 07 already for xbox (not 360) and im wondering if its worth it to get it for wii. im thinking ill just wait til 08 is released for wii and then get it but i dunno. anyone have both systems? feedback?
wait for 08, controllers and graphics should get a bit better and hopefully it'll have online
it's pretty fun. I'm actually playing it right now. The only thing i hate is that they gave the Saints a piddly rating. They're not as good in Madden as they are in real life :(
I think the controls for madden are great. It's a lot of fun to play now. Although I could see EA perfecting them a bit next year. If I already had it for the xbox I would probably wait, but you have to at least rent it to try the controls.
I'm not a big fan of football but Madden 07 is fun. The controllers are a lot better than the GC version. I say pick it up!
I already own Madden 07 for PS2 so playing it again on the Wii isn't too fun for me, sure the controls are good, and the multiplayer mini-games are fun...

If you already own the game on another system, I would rent it and give it a try, not worth buying IMO.

I'm interested to see what they do for Madden '08.
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thanks ive decided to wait for 08. maybe ill rent it for a few days though.

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