Lucky number lottery


Do a barrel roll.Do it!Do
Dec 2, 2006
The rules are simple

I start by saying 1 then the next poster 2 and so on.

If the poster in front of you says 50 or 100 and so on then dont post anything.

I will think of a number and see what user typed that number.

If you get picked your name will be posted and I will put it on the winner board.

once the winners name has been posted in a new message then you can start counting again.

Whoever the winner is go to his name and say you liked his post so he or she will win rep

note:write my number is before your number or your message will be too short.

You can only post once every 50 and if you win and I see you cheat I will not post you on the winner board!

Have fun!!!!

Winner Board
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  • #3
oops sorrry continue i clicked the button twice

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