Looking for user feedback on WiiBrowser


WiiChat Member
May 29, 2007

I'm the owner and creator of wiibrowser.com and am looking for some user feedback on what you like and don't like about the site, and if you have any ideas for additions to the site.

Feedback would be greatly appreciated, and sorry if this is in the wrong forum.

direct link: www.wiibrowser.com
Hello, Sorry to sound ignorant, but is wiibrowser.com / what can it do? Is it just a home page for your Wii?
Isnt this advertising?
Besides it is against the rules to link to external sites in signatures.
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Thanks for the feedback so far everyone. If there's anything you would like me to change/add/remove from the site just let me know and I will consider it.

infaredx2 said:
Hello, Sorry to sound ignorant, but is wiibrowser.com / what can it do? Is it just a home page for your Wii?


that page should explain it, but it is basically a site for you to create your own homepage for your wii. Go to www.wiibrowser.com/create.wii and just put in a passkey for your page and then it will take you to your page to create links etc. Once you add links, all you need to do is remember your page's id/url, it should say at the bottom of your page or you can look at the address bar. The front page just has the last 5 links that were added to wiibrowser pages. for example my page is www.wiibrowser.com/1 - here is a list of all of the pages to give you more of an idea of what the site is: www.wiibrowser.com/sitemap

lee.jarrat said:
Isnt this advertising?
Besides it is against the rules to link to external sites in signatures.

If it is against the rules then that's fine if a mod closes/deletes this thread. The reason I posted is because it generally isn't against the rules to post links to other sites in forums enless the site is a direct competitor, but I could be wrong.

And for my sig, should I take out the www. part? When I created it, it would not allow for URL tags so I presume that as long as it doesn't have those it's fine?
Is it like a create your own website 4 other Wii users to view? If it is that is awesome!
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infaredx2 said:
Is it like a create your own website 4 other Wii users to view? If it is that is awesome!

Pretty much :). Basically you are creating your own webpage with your favorite links that you and other Wii users can set as your homepage on your Wii.

One of the coolest things about it IMO is that instead of accounts there is just a passkey needed to add links to a page or edit links so if you wanted to, you and a friend could share a page by giving your friend your page's passkey. Or if you don't want your friend to be able to edit your page, you could just give them your page's URL so he/she could view it.

Hello, I tried the Wii Browser last night as promised and it is pretty cool. It is simple, easy to use and very handy. My Wife loves it because we dont have to type on the Wii, just click n go!

Right now we use;



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