Looking for nintendo wii


WiiChat Member
Oct 28, 2007

I'm finding it very hard to get hold of a nintendo wii

Every store I try has sold out and i'm not buying on ebay or amazing as it's over £250 compared to the £180 in the shops

Any help please? + rep to anyone that can help


Call target and walmart and find when they get their electronic shipments in and check back each week. They are going to tell you they don't know when they get it it just comes, so thats why you got to check back every week.
You need to speak to clerks at your local stores and ask them for recommended times to check back. Here in the U.S., places like Gamestop get some merchandise like Wii's via UPS, which for them usually comes around the same time. So if you were really into getting one, you could periodically call to see if any came in.
It has worked for many people so far.
ask gamestop or a game store or best buy when they get their shipments in, then just go there the day of when it opens and try to get one. PS my name is sam too! woo! good luck in your search. have you checked amazon.com?
I wouldnt just show up at opening for just any store. Large stores will not stock items as they get them, so for stores like that (Walmart, Target, Bestbuy) checking at opening is best. BUT for smaller stores like Gamestop, its best to check around the time they get their daily shipments in. Example: at my local Gamestop, the UPS guy usually gets their around 1:00pm, so thats the ideal time to call or stop by.

Edit: even if you dont see any systems on store shelves, it still helps to ask someone that looks knowledgeable and friendly, because often they will tip you off when you can get one.
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Thanks for the suggestions, just that i've never heard of these stores as I live in the UK:)
You just gotta spam the store with calls:lol:

but seriously though, If you call stores such as Gamestop, EBgames, Target, WalMart, you'll eventually get an answer saying they have some in. Call everyday in the mornings, and in the afternoon. This should do it.
Piggy-pack said:
Thanks for the suggestions, just that i've never heard of these stores as I live in the UK:)

I was gonna say that when I saw the british currency symbol.:lol: If you have any electronics/department store in the UK that sells TVs, stereos, video games, then you should call them constantly. If you know anyone that works at a electronics or a department store ask them if they can hold one for you. And if push comes to shove, then go with EBay unless youre will to shell out a lot of money.
Im in the UK...


I recently got my Wii from Gamestation in Burton on trent, try sourcing one from them if you have a store near you. They had the best deal (for me) regarding games and price in my area! I am pretty sure they will let you pre order it for when they next geta delivery! Also, had a problem with one of my Wiimotes and they exchanged it straight away and threw in the Wii Play version for no extra money! (sounds like i work for them but i dont haha)

I would avoid GAME as they are as vague as possible about when they are getting any in and its a first come first get process there. Argos are pretty good at being able to let you know when they are getting them in even if it may not be for ages!

I hope you manage to find one, especially if its for a xmas present.

Go to

woolworths and ask in store, (they are usuall sold out) anyway they will put your name in a book and order one in for you. (i work there so i know lol)

also, asda has a good stock usually,

and i actually find ebay not to be very exspensive yet. i was gonna sell mine and buy a new one with the money, and some extras but found out they werent going for to much, yet, just wait till xmas
I got my wii in about a week thanks to itrackr.com it showed me what stores in my area had some in stock.
Piggy-pack said:
Thanks for the suggestions, just that i've never heard of these stores as I live in the UK:)

yeah make sure you don't take what you see as fact, i would actually ask someone if they have any, dont look for the system.
Game stop has been getting regular shipments in . USA Got three the other day for the grandkids.
Hi there i have been looking for a wii for weeks.I managed to find one with STUDIO its a catalogue - http://www.24studio.co.uk/ss/index.jsp I checked their website and they were in stock and rang them straight away to check this was right.Even if they are not in stock they guarantee delivery within 28 days.I ordered mine on friday and it turned up this morning and i havent even paid for it yet.you pay after you recieve it and they charge £179.99 + £4.99 delivery so its a bargain.If you wish you can order and pay online but i recommend ringing to verify they will be sending you one out asap.Hope you get one. Katie :yesnod:
p.s. just checked for you they are in stock now hurry.please let me know if you managed to get one my email is kthopper@ntlworld.com

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