Looking for friends to play with COD

Lil austin

WiiChat Member
Jan 26, 2009
I play constantly and i need friends to play with fc: 124-2952-2591 pm me if you add me or just reply to the thread and i will add you
We already have an official thread for Friend Code exchanging, specifically for Call of Duty: W@W. Please use it, or the official FC Exchange Thread instead of creating a duplicate thread.

^ CoD: W@W Friend Code Exchange Thread

You can also use the following thread for exchanging any other Wii games' Friend Codes.

^ General FC Exchange Thread

Also, would you mind reading the rules? Thanks!

^ Rules/FAQ
pmed u!
Cod friend code

I am not in a place where I remember my friend codes but I will soon have my. Cod5 code and my anima crossing code maybe in the next 24-48 hours.

I am also looking to join a clan so if anyone has a cod5 clan that is looking to recruit a good member just post a reply telling me how to join

My friend code for cod 5 is 086091544413
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Cod man, please do not post multiple times in a row, it is strictly against the rules. Rather, please use the "EDIT REPLY" button at the bottom of your posts. Here's a quote from the rules.

9. No Double Posting
If you need to add any information to your previous post, use the "edit" button at the bottom right corner of your post. This prevents the page from becoming unnecessarily cluttered, and it takes the same amount of time as making a completely new post right below your previous one. If a double post is spotted, the post will just be removed without question.

Since you aren't familiar with the rules, would you mind reading them? Thanks! :thumbsup:

hey check my clan site out if u need a clan you can make friend to play with there
check us out at
hey check my clan site out if u need a clan you can make friend to play with there
check us out at

Advertising is not allowed, external clans are also not allowed. You'll have to take that nonsense elsewhere... It'd be a good idea to read the rules before posting an advertisement next time.
Advertising is not allowed, external clans are also not allowed. You'll have to take that nonsense elsewhere... It'd be a good idea to read the rules before posting an advertisement next time.

what about ur pokemon thing in ur sig thats save thing:eek:ut:
I'm not advertising the website directly, I have no link in my sig, and I'm not posting just to get word out. I'm also making people "work" to join by making them atleast PM me, that form of "advertisement" is allowed. Posting or making threads about advertisement is strictly forbidden, sig advertising, minus the link, is allowed.

Not to mention I'm a (somewhat) valuable member to the community, I regularly post, and in good form (or I believe I do). People who join just to advertise, or are completely new and advertise, are generally looked down apon.
ur ego is annoying

I'm not advertising the website directly, I have no link in my sig, and I'm not posting just to get word out. I'm also making people "work" to join by making them atleast PM me, that form of "advertisement" is allowed. Posting or making threads about advertisement is strictly forbidden, sig advertising, minus the link, is allowed.

Not to mention I'm a (somewhat) valuable member to the community, I regularly post, and in good form (or I believe I do). People who join just to advertise, or are completely new and advertise, are generally looked down apon.

wow u think cuz u ahve 1k post ur so important well y dont u go do something usefull u know wat else is looked down apon harrasing new members ur a hypocrite ur doing the same thing only u cover it up with a diffrent name to make ur self feel better and for wat beacuse u think ur important on this site what do u have folower u got ur own cult y dont u go do something usefull if u dont like my post just ignor them its simple first u put ur mouse on the scroll bar then u scroll down
and i bet u going to reply to this post just beacuse it add another post to ur 1000 others beacuse u think it makes u better then everyone else,
u know who realy matters on this forum site ? new members with out them what are u gonna do talk about the same thing the whole time so think before u say that ur above all of as

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