Lmao Ps3


WiiChat Member
Oct 25, 2006
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The ulltimate testament for PS3... Look on ebay and see how many are listed for auction. Not to mention the 50k in pre order auctions that ended. I'm glad to see those buying the PS3 just want to keep it so badly...
haha, thats funny. although it still thinks its BS there is alot of people who really wanted ps3's, but were not fortunate enough to get one. now they have to pay top dollar for one on ebay. i hope each one of those losers get stuck with a ps3 they cant sell until they lower they auction price to 600.
Yeah, i think it would be smarter to sell your ps3 right now instead of keeping it. i mean comon... there going up way high... you have to be an idiot to not sell one.
Im trying to sell mine. However i'm bitching at Ebay. I listed it at 1:00 pm today and now it's 9:00 pm. It's still not listed

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