Live Question


Nov 16, 2006
Wii Online Code
Hi guyz,

I am now am a proud owner of a Xbox 360 Elite and was pondering about my Live setup. Before i got the Xbox i made a Silver account and Gamertag on but i am wanting to change the name of the Gamertag. Now because i have all ready made the Silver account with Microsoft on their website, according to their FAQ's i cannot use the free 1 month Xbox Live Gold trial which comes with my Xbox. I have registered the Silver account with my email address which i use most of the time so it will not expire and am wanting to use that email address on my new Live Gold trial and my new Gamertag. So how would i go about this? I can't change the Gamertag for 800? points because then i still can't use the trial so what am i to do?

Thanks in advance,

Kind of consfusing...

You made an account, and you registered it as a silver account. But, now you want to change the gamertag and make it a gold account?

So just change it... But since its not a gold account yet, you could just make a new account. If you want to use the same e-mail then change the e-mail of your current gamertag to some random hotmail account, then make a new gamertag with the e-mail. Know what im getting at? Assuming I understood you right...
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yes you understood me right :yesnod: sorry for being a bit too confusing! :sick:
(i was too vague because i'm not actually aloud to play it untill tomorrow :scared: and as yet i have not booted it i said i am just an owner :yesnod: not a player...yet :lol: ! dam exams...:mad5:

Thanks for your reply T3kNi9e (have some rep lol not that it means anything anyway! :lol:)

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