Live for the WII true or false?

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it does, but it's not 'working' yet. It won't be avilable until early 07.
Nope Free Online Play but after 6 month the Opera will coast...but the online play will always be free if im not mistaken
Demon Slayer said:
Nope Free Online Play but after 6 month the Opera will coast...but the online play will always be free if im not mistaken
Yeah, just to make that extra clear, online play will be free, but if you buy your Wii after June 2007, to download the Opera Web Browser for Wii, you will have to pay a one-time charge, probably like $5. If you buy your Wii before June '07, you can download Opera free and never be charged for it.

This question has already been answered. Go to the following thread to read/talk about it:
Confused about WiiConnect

Don't worry about it though. You're new here.:)
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