List of the best Wii Wi-Fi connection games


WiiChat Member
Nov 30, 2006
Hello, this is my preffer list of Wii Wi-Fi games, in terms of multiplayer experience:
Medal of Honor: Heroes 2
Madden NFL 08
NBA Live 08
Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games
Rayman Raving Rabbids 2
Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 3
Nights: Journey of Dreams
Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity
Pokémon Battle Revolution
Trauma Center: New Blood
Wii Chess
Geometry Wars: Galaxies
Battalion Wars 2
Ghost Squad

What is your favorite list?
and you've played all these games?
only ones i have are trauma center and big brain. you can only share high scores on those. no big deal hah?
Brawl hasn't come out yet, Mario and Sonic doesn't have mulitplayer online, neither does Ghost Squad.

Are you sure you've any of these?
Some of those games you can only check your high scores
And Madden 08 SUCKS online
I looked at my connection I had all the bars I played someone with all the bars and we lost connection at the coin toss this happen every time I tried to play madden online
i have been dissapointed with the wii's online only medal of honor and mario striekrs has been good oinline but its freee :)
Medal of Honor and Mario Strikers Charged have been the only 2 good online games so far for me. Both have been perfect for me, but in the sense of what they offer (which they could do better). Like MoH offers online 32 player multiplayer, no lag and stuff so with what it offers, it does well. (other than the glitches) but the multiplayer could have been a little better. MSC so far has been perfect, they got leaderboards, friend battles, etc. perfect to play with a friend on the same console vs another pair.

I am willing to bet that Brawl will have superb online, in what it has to offer. It could have done better with leaderboards and stuff but it only offers random play and friends play, I think it will excel in those specific areas.
T3kNi9e said:
Pay $4 a month for XBL and you can get CoD4, now thats a great online game.

Gotta Pimp your console! otherwise there is no one to play online :lol: :lol: .

I like
Endless Ocean is alright, very mello game

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