Light Help Please


WiiChat Member
Jan 4, 2007
Yesterday morining, I woke up and had a strong feeling about finding a wii. I have been on a search for about a week, and i woke up yesterday at 10:15, and had a strange feeling, so a rushed to walmart as fast as i could. Sure enough, there was 3 wiis left. I bought one took it home and set it up after the world juniors hockey game.

Anyways, I know that the slot light usually doesn't light up, but there are ways to get it to light up. I read if you sent a message to your wii, it will light up. So i registered my email adress, and sent a message from my email to my wii, and did not check the message. My settings are set to a bright slot light, so i can't figure out why it isn't on. I know the light works because it flashed when i turn the wii on.

Any other ways to get the light to well...light? i find the wii looks dark and boring without the light
The message-waiting light only comes on when you get a message and the Wii is turned off (in standby mode). Once you turn it on, the light goes off.

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