Light Gun Games


WiiChat Member
Dec 22, 2006
Since ghost squad and Re:UC are light gun games, that means that there's no pointing dot on the screen correct? To anyone who has the nyko perfect shot gun, can you use it for metroid? The shooting button is A and I think the nyko gun is B correct?
At least REUC you have a pointer (an intelligent one) on the screen, pointer shows you if the object could be destroyed, it shows a gauge with the health of the opponent and shows the weak point of the opponent (blinking cross hair)

An excellent game for an on rails shooter. I really enjoyed it a lot and it is long for that type of game 12 to 14 hours.
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I'm looking for a game w/o the pointer on the screen so you can test your pointing skills w/o the help of the pointer. I think w/ ghost squad, its an option to take it off but is there anyother game? Any1 tried it w/ the nyko perfect shot gun yet?
bruceleroy said:
Since ghost squad and Re:UC are light gun games, that means that there's no pointing dot on the screen correct? To anyone who has the nyko perfect shot gun, can you use it for metroid? The shooting button is A and I think the nyko gun is B correct?
I dont have the nyko gun but i dont think that it would work very well for Metroid (even though you can reassign the A and B buttons in game) because it uses a nunchuck swinging motion to use the grapple beam.

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