Left Wii On Overnight, any problems?


WiiChat Member
Feb 8, 2007
I think I may have accidentely left my Wii on overnight. Wii Sports seems to run fine, but I just thought I'd make sure that I have nothing to worry about.

I set up WiiConnect24 last night and wasn't used to the orange light. I read the manual and saw this was normal so thought nothing of it. I went to use it tonight and saw the green light and the Wii was pretty warm (although there is a chance it was orange and I just couldn't tell, silly I know but I tried turning it off/on before I really looked, was more surprised). Anyway, Wii doesn't have any sort of automatic turn off feature, does it? And I couldn't have done any damage to the Wii by leaving it for a day accidentely, correct? I don't suspect I could, just a little worried due to waiting for mine for so long.
Yes, don't worry about it! nothing happens if you let your Wii for 30 hours straight on because it's already on if you think about it...remember that it's not a PS3 or an Xbox360 which overheats, melts, scratches discs with only 4 hours of play:hand: the Wii knows better than that
yeah i fell asleep listening to music on mine,...it still works GREAT! u should be fine
i left mine on all weekend before. I was playing a cube game and i forgot the power button on the remote doesnt work x.x
Lol dude..I have left mine updating for and forgot it was on after hours and worked fine after
its a very sturdy system. i wouldnt worry about your wii exploding anytime in the next millenia. my wii has been dropped a few times, and if anyone remembers, got thrown across a room. It will be fine.
Since I'm a chronic Zelda player, I tend to leave it on with Zelda running, potentially for a week or so. I seriously have a save up to 140 hours. I haven't had a system this sturdy since, well, the last Nintendo console!
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Thank you guys for the helpful and quick replies, it's comforting to know the Wii is fine! Cheers all.

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