led zepelin exposed!


WiiChat Member
Jun 27, 2007
ok so i was kinda amazed when i heard this

alot of u know of this so dont spoil the fun for any others
here is his hit song "stair way to heaven" but wat if u heard it backwards?

hear u will be shocked
lol thats so crap, ive seen heaps of these, its just a nice lil trick people like to fake :sick: theres a website thats got a huge list or them, the fact is unless all of the words were malindromes (? tou know words like mom,madam,racecar) then itd just sound like jibberish which it does.
Hahahaa, that's the most famous

I remember a discussion a LONG time ago....about dark side of the rainbow. that's much more interesting to me.

How about some of the funnier backmasks..."eat your vegetables" "congratulations, you have found the secret code, please send...."

here's a linky for those under a rock, or too young...


I actually recorded myself singing the "bustle" and on.... I could make out the purported words. hhahahha I figured out that "666" is "It's Just a Spring....."
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huh? Another backwards song. Why can't the nice things be pointed out?
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I remember we did something in school and we recorded things and played them backwards. But before we did that we listened to this and some othe songs it was really fun.
novalyfe said:
ok so i was kinda amazed when i heard this

alot of u know of this so dont spoil the fun for any others
here is his hit song "stair way to heaven" but wat if u heard it backwards?

hear u will be shocked

"His" hit song? You mean Led's? :wtf:
Almo said:
lol thats so crap, ive seen heaps of these, its just a nice lil trick people like to fake :sick: theres a website thats got a huge list or them, the fact is unless all of the words were malindromes (? tou know words like mom,madam,racecar) then itd just sound like jibberish which it does.

Ok It's Palindrome.

But no, that's not true. A palindrome played backwards sounds like jibberish. You gotta consider that you're not just playing it backwards....You're inverting the sound wave. Download the song "Kill yourself" by Mindless Self Indulgence. The song is (kind of about) playing songs backwards and hearing stuff. There is a part that sounds like total gibberish. But when you open it in a music editing software and play it backwards, you can hear a woman talking.
rossertserious said:
Hi all
Led Zeppelin is awesome. This is a great band. I like stuffs from this band.

Do you also enjoy the songs backwards, and do you enjoy not reading the whole thread and posting something that doesn't entirely apply to this thread. May I interest you in more threads here on wiichat?

Don't get me wrong, they are a great band indeed, but we are talking about backwards songs here, not how great they are.
CantGetAWii said:
Thanks for clearing those up for me, clearly I was confused.

No problem. Feel free to PM me if you need anything else cleared up for you.

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