launch games


WiiChat Member
Nov 11, 2006
Wii Online Code
The more I look into each game the more games i want. I started off only wanting Zelda and Red Steel. Then i extended my list by adding Need For Speed. Now by looking at Super Monkey Ball (a game i wouldnt have considered before reading up on it) and Tony Hawks which is apparantly good (and has good multiplayer) I want both of those games aswell. If games like these get released each wave I wont have any money left :(.
You forgot about Trauma Center: Second Opinion. Apparently it got bad reviews because of how complicated the game is, I swear game reviewers are getting more picky each time.
yeah im lucky my best friend is getting a wii. were both getting zelda and then hes getting tony hawk and im getting monkey ball. win win situation.

oh and on another plus i get someone to wait in line with :)

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