L and R dead


Bounty Hunter
Oct 27, 2007
Under your bed
Wii Online Code
Sometimes the L and R buttons on my DS don't work and some times they do ( It's not a game problem it's the DS). It still makes the clicking sound when I press them. Should I take it apart and try to fix it or should I just buy a new DS all together?
Well.. I Suggest Take apart First..since ur second option is buy a new ds..u still gona buy new one anyway if its broke no???

lol.. so try your best

Edit:Make Sure Its OK lol
This is probably because you have dirt under your buttons.

I'd suggest googling, "DS Disassembly guide"

You might find one on gbatemp.net, so that's good.
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Sooo is there a store where I can buy a Nintendo Screw driver or do I have to buy one over the net?
Sylux said:
Sooo is there a store where I can buy a Nintendo Screw driver or do I have to buy one over the net?

As far as I know, tri-wing screwdrivers are only over the net
If this is a DS phat I think I have the answer. It's happened to me so many times. What you need to do is turn it upside down tap one of the bumpers and blow in it lots. Seriously it works. They have been known to get a lot of dust caught in there, no need to take it apart. I've never heard of a case like that on the Lite, though, so if it's Lite, then can't help you.
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massi4h said:
If this is a DS phat I think I have the answer. It's happened to me so many times. What you need to do is turn it upside down tap one of the bumpers and blow in it lots. Seriously it works. They have been known to get a lot of dust caught in there, no need to take it apart. I've never heard of a case like that on the Lite, though, so if it's Lite, then can't help you.

Holy Shizzle it worked! Thank you Mewtwo man :lol:

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