Now this is being ironic
Or just plane silly
But still its a DO WANT
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The lawyers for all company's are on RED ALERT
This is one of the greatest "Did it for the LULZ" things ever
Or just plane silly
But still its a DO WANT
link to the site
This is a new Sony PS3 mobile phone...that plays Nintendo's Super Mario Bros...and which uses Microsoft's PS3 operating system - no, wait, that's not right. Hang on it's made in Koera - where the hell's Koera?! Yes, what we have here is the mother of all clone phones. It's a Chinese phone (naturally!), and its makers have decided that imitation is most definitely the sincerest form of flattery. As such, they've named it the Amycoll PS3 phone, which, er, "flatters" both Samsung, with its Korean Anycall brand, and also Sony, with its PS3. They've even added PlayStation buttons on the keypad, just for good measure!
Loads more pictures of the funniest mobile phone yet created, after the jump!
The copying fun doesn't end there, though. As Babelfish's translation calls it, the "Chinese evil behind-the-scenes manipulator's machine" has a Microsoft Windows logo that reads "Design for PS3". Didn't realise Microsoft did design for Sony's PS3! Not to worry, its entire Microsoft Windows user interface is faked as well! As if that wasn't enough, they've even faked the country of origin. Korean phones are legendary for their technical features, so it makes sense to pretend your phone comes from Korea right? Except they couldn't actually spell Korea, so the Amycoll PS3 comes from Koera!
And still the fun continues. Not content with faking operating systems and copying brands and even countries (badly!) the Amycoll PS3 even includes a Nintendo NES, SNES and GameBoy color emulator, so you can play Super Mario Bros on your mobile phone.
Actually, that's a great idea! Playing Mario on a mobile is a killer app, and doing it with PlayStation buttons on a fake Windows Operating System is just so wrong, it feels goooood - almost dirty even!! Pity the phone's so illegal it'll never make it outiside of China (not to mention that the phone itself gets so hot when you play any of its games that you can't actually hold it!).
Another interesting feature is that this phone will play background noise when you make a call, just in case you want to pretend you're somewhere else. So, if you've told your wife you're on a ship somewhere in the Atlantic Ocean, when in reality you're down the local pub, the Amycoll PS3 will play the sounds of life aboard an Atlantic-trawling ship while you chat away to her! Really, they've thought of everything!
This phone is hilarious! It's as if a team of teccie fan-boys got together one drunken night and concocted a wish list of all their favourite gadgets that they'd like in a mobile phone - then the next day, thought "what a great idea" and bodged just such a Frankenstein phone together, while singing "patents? trademarks? law-suits - pah! We spit on you all!"
Then, when they'd finished, their marketing department thought "what this phone really needs is some great sounding brand names - whose can we pinch?!"
The Amycoll PS3 phone isn't quite as cool as the Anycall Dual Blonde, another clone phone that plays Mario while pretending to be a PSP phone, but which does it so much cooler. Still, the Amycoll must rank as the funniest phone in the history of mobile phonedom!
[Source: PhoneDaily]

The lawyers for all company's are on RED ALERT
This is one of the greatest "Did it for the LULZ" things ever
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