Wow its not even been out for a year and already theres another one on the way.

We aint even got the Yarn one yet. It shows how much Nintendo loves the UK
More info and video behind the LinkNintendo has announced a new Wii Kirby game that looks like a revival of unreleased GameCube platformer Kirby Adventure.
A trailer, which you can see below, shows Kirby moving from left to right in classic side-scrolling platform action.
According to translation work by neoGAF poster FINALFANTASYDOG, Super Smash Bros. developer HAL Laboratories is at the helm. A 2011 Japanese release is planned.
Kirby's Epic Yarn is set for release in Europe next month, but has already won rave reviews in Japan and the US.

We aint even got the Yarn one yet. It shows how much Nintendo loves the UK