Just Got Red Steel


No.1 Smurf
Dec 5, 2006
Wii Online Code
I got it Yesterday but I didn't get in till 11pm and couldn't play it

Until today

I must say it ROCKS. I had many doubts because people were placing MANY cons. But it really is good. Sword fighting is a tiny bit dissapointing but the game is Sick (Good)


I'll be sure to play it till the end then Excite trucks is mine. Well in Feb at UK release.

Maybe Red Steel loading is abit long? But im used to Zelda lol so maybe it's just me

9/10 I give it
yea i got red steel yesterday too...im only done about 19% of the game but i love sword fighting cause im pretty good at it. i think that ppl critisize the controls too much because i got used to the controls within 5 mins.
ill be playing it shortly, woohoo! im seeing a lot more good reviews about the game now people are getting used to it. ign uk gave it 8/10..much better than the 1st ign review. think it was a 5 or 6. Is the multi player decent?
drewster2k said:
ill be playing it shortly, woohoo! im seeing a lot more good reviews about the game now people are getting used to it. ign uk gave it 8/10..much better than the 1st ign review. think it was a 5 or 6. Is the multi player decent?

A lot of people say the multiplayers crap. It only has 4 maps, but me an my buddie's had a blast. Yelling and screaming all you hear is "OHHH!!!"
I think multi player is rubbish, 4 maps and there rubbish. Either too big or too small, mind you im used to FPS's multi player being like halo.
Zori said:
A lot of people say the multiplayers crap. It only has 4 maps, but me an my buddie's had a blast. Yelling and screaming all you hear is "OHHH!!!"
Why were you shouting 'OHHH!!!'?

It sounds very sexual.
I bought it yesterday. I was expecting to be dissapointed because of all the bad reviews, but it wasn't too bad. The voice acting is terrible, they got the same guy to voice all the bad guys so they al sound the same, even the black guys sound white :p The levels get a bit tedious and the design is pretty stupid. I mean, why the hell would they introduce grenades in a level thats mostly tiny tunnels. I kept killing my self cos the grenades kept bouncing off the ceiling and hittin me :p

The controls are pretty good and the sword fighting is bette tahn i expected. The graphics aren't too bad either. There are some beautiful bits, and some very ugly bits.

All in all i'd give it 7.5/10
Well, the last FPS i had has Goldeneye 64.

So, Red Steel is pretty good.
Though I'm not too impressed with the sword fights, but maybe 'cause I just wanna blast the bad guys @.@

The controls aren't too bad, actually. But I didn't play much FPS before.

I havn't played multiplayer yet, need more wiimotes! (I had two, broke one (sesnor, not physical. My parents went to return it, but there were no wiimotes to return it with!)

I havn't got to the grenades part, I been stuck on Zelda...
Not as in I'm having trouble, just as I can't...Stop..Playing..
i have it for a few days now and i think the sword fight can be better but its nice.. lets see whats gonna happen in the next RS.
do you believe there will be a red steel 2, i hope so the first one was good but could have had some improvments. If they can improve the multiplayer, the graphics, Voices, and swordplay that would make it one freaking amazing game
The controls are good once you get used to them. I got it yesterday also and I have now taken it to. Me and my brother played 2 player multiplayer and he had never played it before. He picked it up fast too.

9/10 from me. The only problem is having to have 4 nunchucks for 4 player.