It's me! Hi!


WiiChat Member
Sep 10, 2006
Kent, England
Hey, I am Alical!
I live in a village on the coast in Kent, England and I am 13.
I am your average girl, I love shopping, dancing, clothes make-up etc. But I am also one of the proud, the few, the girl-gamer, lol I had to say that. Yeah, my favourite series is The Legend of Zelda and I can't wait for TP! the Wii will actually be my first proper console (ecluding handhelds) as the rest are my older brothers.
I also like Sport (tennis, cricket, body-boarding!), drawing (espesh. Manga) and I love Animals.
Well thats all you need to know about me, so ciao! xx
im 13 too ^.^ anyways, your one of the few, the proud thing, isnt so much true anymore, the DS is catching a lot of girls and the Wii might too since its aiming for "everybody"


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