It is time...


Wiichat Member
Aug 22, 2006
Iowa, America
Wii Online Code
Here we go. I have mock trial tom. and then right after that (fri. night) ill start my camp out with my 4 friends( but only me and one other friend pre-ordered so the other ones still don't know what is going to happen). I will try to get my pics up if i get any sweet ones. Possibly a video if i can find my video camera, but chances are that i will be so strung up with the wii that i may not do this. I will try though. If anyone cares where i will be camping out it will be at a gamestop in Osky, iowa. I pre-ordered there and my sister's boyfriend is good friends with the manager so he will probably be there too.(basically guarentees me a system)

I may never come back to this site again though, mainly because i will be to busy with my new console.
Thank you for suppling me with info and such.
I hope that you all love your wiis.
Wow, weird.

I'm not gonna spend all day on the Wii, if he does, he'll be a 40 year old in his own basement living with his mother, playing the Wii.
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ShadowElliot said:
Wow, weird.

I'm not gonna spend all day on the Wii, if he does, he'll be a 40 year old in his own basement living with his mother, playing the Wii.

No, i have school, then basketball (or vis-versa sometimes) then ive got homework, then wii, i probly wont be on this thing much anymore
ShadowElliot said:
Wow, weird.

I'm not gonna spend all day on the Wii, if he does, he'll be a 40 year old in his own basement living with his mother, playing the Wii.

i guess...he sounded like he was writing a suicide note or something.
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nic7 said:
No, i have school, then basketball (or vis-versa sometimes) then ive got homework, then wii, i probly wont be on this thing much anymore

Oh good :D

Me, school, afterschool program/hanging out with friends then homework then wii. then sleep.
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ShadowElliot said:
Oh good :D

Me, school, afterschool program/hanging out with friends then homework then wii. then sleep.

Who needs sleep?
nic7 said:
Here we go. I have mock trial tom. and then right after that (fri. night) ill start my camp out with my 4 friends( but only me and one other friend pre-ordered so the other ones still don't know what is going to happen). I will try to get my pics up if i get any sweet ones. Possibly a video if i can find my video camera, but chances are that i will be so strung up with the wii that i may not do this. I will try though. If anyone cares where i will be camping out it will be at a gamestop in Osky, iowa. I pre-ordered there and my sister's boyfriend is good friends with the manager so he will probably be there too.(basically guarentees me a system)

I may never come back to this site again though, mainly because i will be to busy with my new console.
Thank you for suppling me with info and such.
I hope that you all love your wiis.

Where in iowa are you from? Cedar Rapids here originally from Manchester
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vagrant said:
Where in iowa are you from? Cedar Rapids here originally from Manchester

Pella, bout an hour from des moines
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AmoebA said:
i guess...he sounded like he was wrighting a suicide note or something.

Yeah, i guess sorta, if you just read the first line and last 2 lines or something

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