IS there going to be a wii mic?


offical ssbb master
Jan 18, 2008
Wii Online Code
i play lots of games online but i would like to talk to people while playing like the xbox 360 or ps3.

will there be a mic for wii online??

if you have any info post a quote or link.

Thank You:worship:
There's two usb slot in the back that can be for mic. Or the can make a wireless one that doesn't need to be connected to the Wii mote, like the scale. I also think there'll be one, or God save those voice chat zealot wii owners :x
The only announcement about any online voice chat from Nintendo was that SSBB and Mario Kart Won't have it. I doubt Wii will ever get it.
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oh...cuz wii needs to boost there online play. if they want to be successful in the online part of wii they have to get a mic or more action/shooters online.

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