is the wii region free

SAS Loopy

WiiChat Member
Nov 28, 2006
hi im new to this site so hi to every1. im thinking of buying some US wii games before the console comes out on the 8th of DEC in UK but dont know if the console is region free or not can some1 please help me

some sites say yes and some say no can any1 give me the right anser please
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ok cheers wat about pad and wii motes will us 1s work on other region consoles
From: Matthew Spencer []
To: Nintendo Service Centre
Subject: About games in differant countries.

I am about to buy a Wii, but I have one concern... I am living in Sweden atm but I will move back to Australia shortly. If I buy a Wii from England or Sweden, will it be able to play Australian games? Will any Wii be able to play games from every country?

Thanks alot!


Dear Customer, thank you for your e-mail.​

Yes the standard for Europe is PAL and that is the same as Australia. You will need a plug shape converter to plug it in over there but the voltage is the same.

Kind regards,

Your Nintendo Team

He may of misunderstood what I was trying to say though. I think he replied in the sense that I wanted to play a European Wii on Australian TVS. Although even so, I'm not sure what system US uses.
registerednerd said:
Kind of. Video standards and region coding are two different things. Video standards are the difference between NTSC and PAL. However, the US and Japan both use NTSC, but the Wii is region locked so Japanese Wii's will only play Japaese games, not American; and vice versa.
man does that suck now i cant get Bleach. Damn cheap nintendo if your going to have onyl Jap games then we need region free systems.
JerrodDRagon said:
man does that suck now i cant get Bleach. Damn cheap nintendo if your going to have onyl Jap games then we need region free systems.
Most of the games are the same. Usually they are just in the appropriate language by default, and it discourages importing.
If I buy an australian wii will I be able to play UK games on it here in england? Australia is PAL, the same as the UK you see. Im so confused!!

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