I love nintendo, I had all of their systems. The Wii looks really cool, I've played Zelda and Wii Sports, the remote works very well. I will indeed buy the Wii, I can't resist Zelda, but I was wondering if I'd be buying this only for Zelda?
When I look at the Wii and everything that's coming out, it really seems like every game except the bigN games (Mario, Zelda, Metroid, Smash, etc.) are crap that feels like Xbox Live Arcade games. Half of the Wii games are mini games. Come on now, how many Mario Party like games a my gonna buy?
Red Steel, CoD3, FarCry, don't fool ourselves, I've played Gears, I've tried Lost Planet, I saw Resistance. I just know these games won't be as good. I'm not bashing the Wii, I know the remote can rock FPS, but where are those FPS? Where's the new Time Splitter, the Halo like killer, the Killzone equivalent. Are the good FPS makers going to invest in the Wii when they can make crazy stuff on PS3 and 360? Rare isn't there anymore, who will be making Goldenwii?
What about RPGs ???!!?!!??? And I won't settle for little brothers like Crystal Chronicles. Even the 360 has better RPGs coming up... That's just how bad it is
PLEASE!! Someone tell me that my game collection won't resume itself to: Mario, Smash, Zelda, Metroid, Mario Kart, more Mario, a new Zelda, another Smash and I hope we'll see a good StarFox...
-----> Pokemon is not the correct answer BTW.
When I look at the Wii and everything that's coming out, it really seems like every game except the bigN games (Mario, Zelda, Metroid, Smash, etc.) are crap that feels like Xbox Live Arcade games. Half of the Wii games are mini games. Come on now, how many Mario Party like games a my gonna buy?
Red Steel, CoD3, FarCry, don't fool ourselves, I've played Gears, I've tried Lost Planet, I saw Resistance. I just know these games won't be as good. I'm not bashing the Wii, I know the remote can rock FPS, but where are those FPS? Where's the new Time Splitter, the Halo like killer, the Killzone equivalent. Are the good FPS makers going to invest in the Wii when they can make crazy stuff on PS3 and 360? Rare isn't there anymore, who will be making Goldenwii?
What about RPGs ???!!?!!??? And I won't settle for little brothers like Crystal Chronicles. Even the 360 has better RPGs coming up... That's just how bad it is
PLEASE!! Someone tell me that my game collection won't resume itself to: Mario, Smash, Zelda, Metroid, Mario Kart, more Mario, a new Zelda, another Smash and I hope we'll see a good StarFox...
-----> Pokemon is not the correct answer BTW.