Is that the final Wii?


Not Banned
Jun 19, 2006
Wii Online Code
I've read somewhere that the nintendo's wii shown until date are possible prototipes and that the Wii is still in development (I'm talking about hardware) and that now nintendo is working to finish or "make up" the final Wii, that possible will have a microfone and its going to look better is that true or its just a rumor?:confused:
It's a big possibility i mean the graphics chip from ati is still being worked on. When they went to e3 they had to make a special batch of them. that wasnt the finished product. And ther is still plenty of time for them to make their adjustments.
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struss789 said:
Of course the graphics chip from ati is still being worked on. When they went to e3 they had to make a special batch of them. that wasnt the finished product.
Yes I know but what about the hardware is that the final one?
still not known i doubt that anything that hasnt been announced is final
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struss789 said:
still not known i doubt that anything that hasnt been announced is final
OK when do u think is going to be anounced??? At september???
No idea i would bet before the release date, because nintendo has been "leaking" information every week to keep the publics attention so they most likley would announce it with some time in between it.
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struss789 said:
No idea i would bet before the release date, because nintendo has been "leaking" information every week to keep the publics attention so they most likley would announce it with some time in between it.
Yes Its true but Nintendo is inteligent and they are going to answer right?
If that came from Nintendo, it's probably just covering themselves. If you look in the Windows Vista (beta) EULA it says that Microsoft reserves the right to make any changes in the final software or to not even release it al all (though, the latter is highly unlikely)
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Well maybe they can make little changes to the hardware

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