Is SMG worth it?


Dec 29, 2007
soo yeah i was takin a look at super mario galaxy, and it seems like its hitting up the charts when it comes to games for the wii. but it seems really long and complicated, but a lot of people say its fun, so i'm thinking about getting it. is it worth it?
so far we love it (we being me & my 5 yr old)......I really think it is a definate for any Mario fan young or old.
It really isn't long, it should take you between 13 and 15 hours of gameplay to beat the game, going at the minimum # of stars required(60). I've only had my copy of SMG for three days, and I have 43 stars. If you know what you are doing, the game goes quickly. I would recommend it, even though I am not even halfway to the full 120 stars.
once you get through the first few levels of intro, it's a pretty fun game
i would advise getting's a must have for any casual or hard core gamer alike
and who cares how long it is...IMO the longer the game the better :)
It is an AWESOME games!
Some levels are hard and others easy!
Perfect combination!

But Paper mario is better :wink:
I was thinking the same way you were. I usually hate adventure games but there was a lot of buzz about this one. So I told my sister that I wanted this for Christmas. And let me tell you it is extremely fun. Quite hard to put down I must say, I always find my self saying "ok... One more star then I'm done" but then I play for another hour or so. In conclusion, don't hesitate to buy this game. I promise that you will enjoy it.:)
It's worth getting more than any other game released this year. Loads of fun and at least 15 hours of gameplay if you intend to do everything.
I would personally say that it is definitely worth the money. It is one of the best Wii games out so far and I am sure that every gamer will love it. :)
get it!!!!!!!!!

its a very nice and good game i have it myself its really cool and yeah it has hit the charts i think you should get it.
Its one of the better Wii games out there.
Looks great, plays great and is a lot of fun.

Its worth the money, so buy it :wink:

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