Is my Wii broken??


WiiChat Member
Jun 3, 2007
Hi! I got this Wii for about half year and now I just wondering if it is broken or not(p.s. there's no problem with playing games at all...)...Here are the problems...1st, I found out I don't have the SD option in the data management....all I got is "Wii" and "Nintendo GameCube" options under the Data Management, when I click the game saves under "Wii" menu, I can only choose "Erase"...Shouldn't there a "copy" option as well?.....2nd problem is that under "Wii System Setting 2" I can't click on "WiiConnect24" at all....Are these things normal or it means that my Wii is broken? If so, what should I do? Please advice...thank you very much!!
That sounds really odd to me. I'm not sure if these things are normal because I never really checked or I currently don't remember. The best thing I can recommend is for you to call Nintendo for help.
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I heard that you can copy the game save in SD Cards for data backup...
This may be stupid but is your Wii connected to the Internet?

I have only recently connected mine to the Internet and only then did these options come available. The SD card and copy options were included in an online update and the WiiConnect24 settings are only available when you are connected.

As I said, probably a stupid question but someone has to ask it.
I have a question, I've been hearing from people on wiichat that their Wii files have got corrupted and I have one N64 VC game soon to have 2 and I've also heard that when they sent in their Wii and they got a new one, all their VC games were gone.:mad5: (They should at least give you 5000 wii points for your trouble).
Now here's my question, how do the Wii files get corrupted. I really need to know so I can avoid the problem and if there is more then one reason please tell me, I don't want all my money to go to waste!!! :(
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^As long as you dont have a modded wii, Im pretty sure that your files can't get corrupted. So as long as you keep your Wii in good shape, and dont knock it over on a regular basis, it should be fine. As for the "they should give you alteast 5000 wii points for your trouble" comment, sending in your wii is more of a trouble to Ninty than to you, THEYRE the ones who have to fix it. Although, I do agree that they should preprogram the one they send back to have all the games you downloaded. Game saves are another issue...All in all, your wii should be fine.

Rep if info was helpful.
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thx for the reply from everyone! About connecting the internet, I tried to connect to the internet with wireless method, but it failed...therefore, I am pretty much sure that I haven't update my Wii yet...
So, according to that, the reason I got those problems is I didn't update my Wii? If so, ......that's kinda a stupid question tho..:sick: ..haha....thx again!!
Wiily Good said:
Yeah that is why there are so many broken Wiis. Nintendo doesn't do any check if the update is compatible before it starts deleting files and making the Wii unusable. SSX blur contains version 2.0 if I remember right, SPM is 2.1 while Strikers is 2.2

edit: Here is what happens when you accidentally update a Japanese Wii with European firmware
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also just want to ask if, have you insert an SD card on your SD card wii slot? if yes maybe there is something wrong with that SD card maybe you can try other SD card if its works so the only problem is your SD card

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