Is anyone getting spider-man: friend or foe?


May 5, 2007
Waterloo, ontario, canada
Wii Online Code
well i'm not but it really sucks

it's just terrible timing, im' completly broke and want to buy an ipod touch, bwii and guitar hero 3 by the end of the month

and for that i feel terrible, i've always been a spidey fan

but it dosn't seem like anyone is getting it around here

sadly there was a lot of hype for spider:man 3, but none at all for this game, which is probably going to be a lot better cause it's not rushed to be out at the same time as something else any of you getting it?
I dont know. I've been a big spidy fan my self but I dont know. I have other things in mind to buy. Guitar hero 3 is a must and Im still adding to brawl.
im gonna buy it sometime be the end of the year, but realistically, if i dont get it before november i wont buy, cause there'll be Nights, dbz 3 and mario galaxy for me to play in november, then of course smash bros in dec.

games looks promising though, at least over spiderman 3
FoamRocket said:
I tried the demo for the 360 and for the short moment I played it, it didn't seem all that bad.
i thought it was leaning towards the younger audience, which is fine! but i am a bit older for the game, didnt enjoy it much, but with the wii's controls it may be a bit interesting but it is not worth my 50 bucks! (maybe a rental)
It's definitely not a game one should buy, unless you're a huge Spidey fan I guess, but it should be a nice rental, like you say. The story however seemed a bit messed up. Spiderman and all his enemies being kidnapped by aliens? I'll have to quote the Angry Video Game Nerd on that one: What where they thinking!?!

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