Internet Connection Sharing Error


WiiChat Member
Dec 12, 2006

I hopw someone can help me casue this is so annoying. I bought the Nintendo Wi-Fi dongle to use with my wii to access the virtual console. During the instalation process is says "Internet Connection Sharing Error" and just stops. What can I do to solve this? I have tried switching off all fire walls and Antivirus and also tried changing the Internet server settings to "allow other users" but my PC wont let me do that either!
how far away from the cpu is your wii?
i had the same trouble (in my room on the opposite side of the house)
i moved my wii to the room next to my cpu and works fine now.
hope that helps
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Its not that far away - just in the next room. I can't even install the USB dongle onto my PC - half way through i get taht error message. HELP!!!

maybe search for the nintendo wifi program again and re-install it?
my bro originally used the wifi for DS, the i bought my wii and he re-downloaded the program for the wifi.
it didnt work the first time and then it started working, im sorry i cant be more helpful dude!
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Thanks for trying to help but i think I need a miracle to get the thing to work i've tried everything. Could I take my wii with the dongle and the installation CD round to a friends house and do it there? then would the games still be stored on my wii for me to use when I'm home?
yeah dude even if you use another internet connection, the games will still be on your wii.
It's all about your console number (in your msg board) everything will be saved on your console.
sorry i couldnt help broseph
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Thanks I will try at a mates house but if anyone else can help ast to why my PC is saying "internet connection sharing error" whilst installing the USB dongle let me know cause it's really pissing me off having a wii sitting there and not being able to download games myself.
Are you running Internet Connection Sharing on the PC your trying to install the dongle to? If so, run the wizard again and turn it off. If it is off, run the wizard and make SURE it is off. How many comps do you have? How is your network setup courrently? Answer these questions and I'll help you figure this out
Could I take my wii with the dongle and the installation CD round to a friends house and do it there? then would the games still be stored on my wii for me to use when I'm home?
You only need any wireless connection. So go to a friend's house with wireless and hook 'er up. You'll only need to connect periodically, such as for an update or to purchase VC games. Other than that, until there's online play, a browser, and the weather and news channels, internet connections are worthless 99% of the time.

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