Internal Wiimote speaker 3rd party support


Apr 30, 2006
Nintendo has now supplied third party developers with the information to access the Wiimote's internal memory and built-in speaker.

Of course, this will lead to better games, and more interactivity.

However, the Wii-mote's internal memory can only store saves for one game at a time. So, in practice, if a user saved their play style preferences for Metroid Prime 3: Corruption to the device, the information would be overwritten when they attempted to do the same thing for Excite Truck.

cool about the speakers. when u mentioned the internal memory thing, u mean like sensitivity and things like that on a specific game? that is kinda cool and kiinda sucks aswell, it can only store it for one game :(
The play preferences could be stored on the wii or an SD card and be loaded into the wii controller when the game starts. So then you could still save your preferences per game.
wait a minute, can u only save 1 game, or is that just 4 the wiimote, and u can save other games on the wii?
Mcclane said:
The play preferences could be stored on the wii or an SD card and be loaded into the wii controller when the game starts. So then you could still save your preferences per game.
ooooooohhhhhhhhhh, that clears it up perfectly. :D
i0n said:
However, the Wii-mote's internal memory can only store saves for one game at a time. So, in practice, if a user saved their play style preferences for Metroid Prime 3: Corruption to the device, the information would be overwritten when they attempted to do the same thing for Excite Truck.
I can think of a way of getting around that, your personal preferences and info gets stored on the Wii itself, and the controller simply recalls saved info from other games using blu-tooth from the console. (if you get what I mean).

In essence, the memory on the Wii controller probably would only recall info on the game that is in the wii itself.

Well, that's my theory anyway...

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