Interesting Question


Dec 25, 2006
Wii Online Code
Well, between my worrying if my Ps3 will work online with my 1000kilobit internet i thought of something.

Since you can get Linux and stuff on your ps3, can you download files off the internet? Games?

Would it be possible to download and play freeware games? Like Wolf: ET? That require specs much lower then the Ps3 has?

Im hoping high here, its ok if it doesnt. but that would make my day x2.
If its Linux compat, then you can do anything. You could install windows but it runs really slow.
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So if i got a Linux OS, i could download and install a video game. And play it with a keyboard + mouse?

How much space does Linux take up on a HDD?
PtonJalken said:
So if i got a Linux OS, i could download and install a video game. And play it with a keyboard + mouse?

How much space does Linux take up on a HDD?
Well there aren't many games for Linux, but the ones that it has you can install. That is if the PS3 meets the requirements. Linux will take up 5GB minimum, but you will probably want more space so you have room to install ****.

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