In Search of Original Donkey Kong Box Art


May 26, 2007
Cleveland, Ohio
Wii Online Code
So I've been looking all over the internet, and I can't seem to find a good image of the original US box art for Donkey Kong on the NES. I would be really appreciative if anyone was able to find/scan/upload an image of the cover. If you just so happen to have the box, would it also be possible to scan the side and back as well? Thanks in advance!!

The best image I've gotten is from the Gamestop website...

...but as you can see.. it's tiny.

Again, any help would be much appreciated. The higher the quality the better. Thanks!

Slightly bigger

You might be outa luck due to its age
Your only luck whoud be if you up scaled it and cleaned it up
( I think I only have the Nintendo classics version and its uboxed)

What are you gonna use the full box for ?
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Well for now.. I just want it in my image collection. Eventually, I would like to upload a finished cover to the Cover Project. I was surprised to see that among so many classic covers, Donkey Kong wasn't on the list. Not to mention, Kid Icarus wasn't either.

But thank you for the image. If all else fails, I'll try to retouch a scaled image. Unfortunately, my image editing skills aren't quite up to snuff.
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Wow thanks for the image! It could certainly use a bit of touch up, but it's better than working with a thumbnail.

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