In game music


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Sep 22, 2007
Kansas City
Wii Online Code
Hey i just bought excite truck, i have played it when i first got my wii this summer(rented). the reason for purchasing is because i recently found that i can play music in the game. Now after playing it and using this feature i was wondering to my self why implement this feature in this game and not any of the other games? Especially since in game music has become popular now a days. It seems simple enough. no need for a hard drive, just an sd card. not only will it please a lot of gamers but it would actually drive sales of their sd cards, and others, making the sd function of the wii more useful than it is now. Just think playing metroid or other games to the tune of your own music. Also brings me to the point of how a music channel other than the one that is used in the picture channel would bring great joy, to those navigating menus, surfing the web, or playing vc games. I hope nintendo sees the wants of this feature and implement it soon. Too me that is a big thing they can do to offer us wii owners with other mulimedia functionalities despite the lack of dvd or cd playback. I for one have loved in game music ever since Xbox put it in their first console, im sure pc owners have been doing it for years, Nintendo wii need this feature, you have already shown us with Excite truck that its not only possible but can be done with out problems.
I've thought the same thing before except I was thinking a media channel that include video and music... of course it would have to be in a certain format to be supported.

As for Excite Truck, I thought this feature was pretty cool but I didn't play the game all that much. Plus my only SD card had ton's of pictures on it and stuff since I originally got it for my camera...

but those are off now
I think that they should add it to some other games, but not all. I wouldn't be able to play Twilight Princess or Metroid Prime 3 with any other music :lol:

It would be cool if you could use music from an SD card to help create stages on Super Smash Bros. Brawl's stage builder :]]
yeah they should put it in all games, and yeah i dunno why they dont.

but one thing that gets me is, that game can read straight from the SD card, so why cant the wii. like when you store a channel on the SD card u have to take it off there and put it the wii to use it.
This is because Twighlight Princess ad Metroid Prime rely heavily on the ambience the music creates in order to increase the game experience. Whereas Excite Truck doesn't matter too much.

I hope the include this feature in SSBB though, as it seems like the kind of game that would.
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I don't know about the rest of you but i would rather be playing metroid shooting up stuff to the beat of korn, or 50 cent in the back ground, or some rage against the machine. who sings that song let the bodies hit the floor? oh that is the classic shooting song i love that damn song, i have pawned so many noobs on xbox to that song.
yungblood6 said:
I don't know about the rest of you but i would rather be playing metroid shooting up stuff to the beat of korn, or 50 cent in the back ground, or some rage against the machine. who sings that song let the bodies hit the floor? oh that is the classic shooting song i love that damn song, i have pawned so many noobs on xbox to that song.

that song is by a band called drowning pool.

although a music channel to be used during any game would be kickass, i dont see why people cant just tweak the in game sound settings and put on a stereo. thats what i do.
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samXcor3 said:
that song is by a band called drowning pool.

although a music channel to be used during any game would be kickass, i dont see why people cant just tweak the in game sound settings and put on a stereo. thats what i do.
well that depends on where you play your wii, when im at home i have this gaming stereo that mixes the game sound with what ever im playing ie Radio or Cd, but when im not in my room or at my house i don't have that option.

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