Importing Wii from Holland to UK


WiiChat Member
Apr 10, 2007
Can anyone please help me out?

I got my hands on a Wii in Holland (finally!!!) and want to use it in the UK (with 2 to 3 pin adaptor for power supply). But does this work technically?
- on a UK tv system?
- with UK games?
- on UK wireless?
- any other potential problems?

Please advice

shouldnt be, although what voltage is the mains supply in holland?

EDIT - sorry forgot to add, warranty is void if its being used in a country other than where it is purchased....
Hmm, you posted the exact same thread on another forum. That is classed as spamming
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Thanks for the advice!

Posted a similar thread on the site but then realised I wrongly posted it in the 'introduce yourself' thread. Sorry, still new to this.

Cheers :thumbsup:
jsnorman said:
Thanks for the advice!

Posted a similar thread on the site but then realised I wrongly posted it in the 'introduce yourself' thread. Sorry, still new to this.

Cheers :thumbsup:

Lol no worries pal. Enjoy wiichat :cool:

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