Just saying hi. I read the FAQ and rules. Seems like a good place here. I recieved over $200 in Best Buy Gift Cards for Christmas, so my wife and I decided that we were going to use it to buy a Wii. I called the local Best Buy every single day after Dec 26 asking them when they were getting them. They told me that 30 would be in store Jan 16. My wife and I went out 2 hours before they opened, and we were 5th in line. I have been enjoying it ever since. I have Wii Play, Rayman, and Wii Sports of course with 3 wiimotes and 2 nunchucks. None of our friends have Wii yets, so PM me for friend codes and I will add you. Miis are a blast. We have our whole family, plus I attempted to make South Park Characters. Well, nice to meet you all.