I'm sick of these 'SSBB control' threads ...


WiiChat Member
Oct 22, 2006

What's more is that people are actually saying that nothing has been confirmed, at least from Nintendo. Wow, I could've swore that Sakurai said:
"We found that trying to implement too much motion-sensory functionality can get in the way of the game. We're looking at keeping the control simple, as it has been. The Wii hardware has sockets for the GameCube controller, too. So I'll just say now that you may not want to throw away your GCN controller yet."

From the article:

The game will use the Wii to its fullest, except for one large exception: Brawl will not take advantage of the Wiimote ."
End of story. End of discussion. End of "but wii controls CAN work!"

Of course they can work..............just worse than GC/classic controls. First off the d-pad is in a more awkward position. Secondly, the buttons are more spread out and further apart, and the button count has been seperated on both the nunchuck and wiimote making a steep learning curve. And thirdly they would have to slow down the game entirely for the motion-sensing to be detected and work efficiently.

Why not include less motion-sensing, you ask? Well then it would feel gimmicky and almost defeats the purpose of the wiimote's drawcard in Brawl. Plus fans will rave on saying "Well, if you were to include such low amount of wii functionality, why just put in classic controls?" Fanboys are never pleased and the game would have to be adjusted for both control schemes to work in the game. Otherwise everyone would favor the classic control scheme and including the wiimote scheme would just be a waste of time. "But in Dragon Ball Z Tenkaichi 2 it worked!", ah but you see that was a 3D fighting game. Key word highlighted. The cheap energy tactics, evasion teleport manoevers and special cinematic moves are almost non-existent in Brawl. Not to mention DBZ has a steep learning curve.

"But, I'd have to disk out hundreds of bucks!!!" O Rly? Brawl is mainly for the Melee/GC fan. That's a fan base of almost 7 million worldwide. How many of the 7 million would throw away their GC controllers? As for the newcomers or the air-heads who sold everything GC wise to buy a Wii, why not bundle 2 classic controllers or GC controllers with the game, or re-release GC controllers at a heavily discounted price or buy 2nd hand ones? It's shoould be between the $50-$100 range to buy 4 able controllers for Brawl. And for Brawl, it is worth it alone. Melee is just as fun as it was in 2002 for me. And that's not coutning the limitless multiplayer.

So there you have it. Brawl is using the classic control scheme. I will linky and even put this in my favorites to any other thread that'll pop up of its nature. I hope some of you bump this, agree or even argue as I enjoy a good debate as much as a good agreement.

Quote off Optusnet from Gamespot. It was well needed here too.
infact i prefer it to use the old controller.
The wiimote is too sophisticated for this game
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mk_south_london said:
infact i prefer it to use the old controller.
The wiimote is too sophisticated for this game
The fast-paced gameplay is the strongest restriction.
I honestly can't say. If it does have wii controls, it'll probably be similar to Marvel Ultimate Alliance (Wii). Relating this with Marvel, I find myself on the occasion using the wii controls in the game, but since the game is so intense, I usually find myself just hitting the combinations on the wii remote. Now if they do put wii controls on SSBB, they should be the only controls, because when you have button-mashing alternatives, you will be either using them equally, or more. Either way I'm fine with it, one way it's the classic way of playing, or the other it's a new and intense fighting experience in the Nintendo Universe, but either we're getting a new Smash Bros., I think we should be happy to even have that.
What is most interesting, is the fact that the title of this thread, and it's contents are directly conflicting. If you hate threads about 'SSBB control' then why did you make one?

Anyway back on topic (I think), I believe Nintendo will make the right descision based on the play testing they have done. I agree that motion sensing controls shouldn't be shoehorned in for the sake of it, and if a game works better with a pad then use the pad. Even Sony didn't encorporate the Eye Toy camera into every single one of their games. Just the ones that it would've worked with.

However Nintendo are at a difficult stage marketing wise. They have made a bold move that thier competitors won't hesitate to use against them. If they make a game that uses the Classic controller, this could be seen negatively, (as well as positively) as a backward step from their original stand point. They have however consistenly stressed, that they will not forget the core gamer, as such games like Super Smash Brothers would probably be marketed towards the game pad using veterans.

The one thing I hope comes from it all, whatever they decide, is that 3rd parties see that motion sensing shouldn't be added for the sake of it, and games don't necissarily work better with it.
Toastie said:
What is most interesting, is the fact that the title of this thread, and it's contents are directly conflicting. If you hate threads about 'SSBB control' then why did you make one?

Anyway back on topic (I think), I believe Nintendo will make the right descision based on the play testing they have done. I agree that motion sensing controls shouldn't be shoehorned in for the sake of it, and if a game works better with a pad then use the pad. Even Sony didn't encorporate the Eye Toy camera into every single one of their games. Just the ones that it would've worked with.

However Nintendo are at a difficult stage marketing wise. They have made a bold move that thier competitors won't hesitate to use against them. If they make a game that uses the Classic controller, this could be seen negatively, (as well as positively) as a backward step from their original stand point. They have however consistenly stressed, that they will not forget the core gamer, as such games like Super Smash Brothers would probably be marketed towards the game pad using veterans.

The one thing I hope comes from it all, whatever they decide, is that 3rd parties see that motion sensing shouldn't be added for the sake of it, and games don't necissarily work better with it.
couldnt sayed it better my self ill dumb it down for you guy that are persitent
wii doesnt need to have motion sensing all the time

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