Im pissed

teh frog

rep me if u like vitamins
Oct 12, 2006
In the wii.
Wii Online Code
I cant find any pre orders in usa that arn't sold out! ebgames, amazon, ebx, ebay(lol). :'( im so upset! i dont wanna wait in line for the wii for 43343526547 hours! can you guys help me? (wii preorder page:NOT HELPING)
I just tried to get a Toys R Us preorder, but being that when we showed up we were like 80th in line, we decided it wasn't worth standing outside just to be turned away.

This after already failing to get a EB/Gamestop one.

So it's back to plan-B of waiting in Wal-Mart.
There will be wiis available generally within a week of launch. Im almost certain of it. For once pre-orders are limited to make excitement for the product instead of the fact the producer of the console cant make enough. Nintendo can bang out a shitload of wiis in a pretty short space of time.
Big_Mill said:
There will be wiis available generally within a week of launch. Im almost certain of it. For once pre-orders are limited to make excitement for the product instead of the fact the producer of the console cant make enough. Nintendo can bang out a shitload of wiis in a pretty short space of time.

I don't entirely agree. I can concede there may be an adequate supply at launch . . . may.

I can't agree with the statement that pre-orders are limited to make excitement for the product. Trying to get a Wii preorder (without waiting in line for hours) has been a nightmare. My entire video game revival has been a complete nightmare.

For me pre-orders have left a negative taste in my mouth, bitterness over EBay opportunists, and a fear of a sell out on release day. You really want to create this experience for your customer if you're Nintendo? Do you? I wouldn't.

Just my opinion.


What I meant with the pre-order / excitement bit is that once they sell out it gets widly reported in the news. People then go wow!!!!! everyone is getting one of those I must have one too (at least thats the basis of the idea).

Pre-orders are a fact of life and will always exist in the video gaming world, because when something new comes out everyone wants it. So instead of basically having riots and fighting in stores with people trying to get one on release day they can control it with pre-orders. Ive been dissapointed loads of time by pre-orders it happens and I still dont get why there has been such hysteria over them for this console seeing as this is the biggest launch of a console in years possibly ever. 1 million units at launch in the US is amazing.

However I do agree with you about eBay pre-order sellers. Total ****ing wankers (sorry bout the language but I hate this), If i meet anyone in real life who has done this I will quite happily punch them in the balls for denying someone the chance of getting the console they wanted and for ripping someone else off.

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