Mario Bro Banned Jan 22, 2007 98 0 Jan 24, 2007 #1 rules are fairly simple, if you were a nintendo character, who would you be, and why? (Obviously) I'd have to go with Mario, he's the best adventurer out there, and he rocks at sports, party games, and racing. He can also kick anyone's @$$!
rules are fairly simple, if you were a nintendo character, who would you be, and why? (Obviously) I'd have to go with Mario, he's the best adventurer out there, and he rocks at sports, party games, and racing. He can also kick anyone's @$$!
R Rabid_Toaster NOO! THE BEES ARE COMING! Dec 5, 2006 317 1 standing...right...BEHIND YOU! Jan 24, 2007 #2 id be...errr kirby because kirby inhales things. and eats them. indeed. who wouldn't like a pink blob that eats things lol Last edited: Jan 24, 2007
id be...errr kirby because kirby inhales things. and eats them. indeed. who wouldn't like a pink blob that eats things lol
KooBloo The Original Street Fight Dec 31, 2006 63 0 Wii Online Code 5899-9030-7186-6531 Jan 24, 2007 #3 Zelda, so i can chop off rabid toasters head, cuz hes retarted
W WiiWouldLike2Play CU Guild For Life! :DDD Dec 17, 2006 2,114 49 Clearwater, Florida Wii Online Code 2881-3576-4343-5770 Jan 24, 2007 #4 OH WARIO! even though ima girl.. its okay right....... lol well yah.. i choose wario because he's EVIL muahah... :]
OH WARIO! even though ima girl.. its okay right....... lol well yah.. i choose wario because he's EVIL muahah... :]