If you had the money, would you get a PS3?


Isn't here as much
Oct 28, 2006
Wii Online Code
Yeah. If the PS3 was Xbox's price, I'm pretty, PRETTY darn sure that the PS3 would be selling marveously. Xbox 360 sold nice, and still is.

But yeah, I'm pretty sick of the people on this forum bashing PS3 at every chance they get, while if there's even a sniff of wii bashing, 99% of the forum goes, "LETZ B@ 2GITHUR 2 SMYT DA INFADEL!!!1"

Now, if you magically found a letter on the ground that said, "Here. 600 smackaroonies for a PS3. But ONLY for a PS3," how many of you would go get that said PS3?

I know I sure would. You KNOW that some great RPGs are gonna come out on the PS3, like the PS2. And with super-fine graphics compared to the wii? Schwiiiing~
Sure, maybe it won't have the neato motion sensing (or it might.. But that wouldn't make too much sense for an RPG with the PS3 controller..), but it's an RPG for SONY.

But yeah, simple poll. Would you get it or no?

Note: If you post upon this board, you give your word that you will not bash the PS3 at all. You will stay ON TOPIC (the topic is "If you had the money, would you get a PS3?" if you have short-term memory loss).
because you have to learn that the wii is a great system and ps3 isn't.... the wii has wiimote, the ps3 has graphic like Xbox360... and xbox360 has online and tons of good games and lower price point... so ps3 is caught in betweens
im pretty sure if everyone had the money of course they would get one....

unless they hate sony
i don't hate sony i have a psp.. but the this is i am not going to waste $700cad on some stupid game system that has barely any games i would go out and buy a xbox360 an still gave like $150cad left over...
Trulen said:
Yeah. If the PS3 was Xbox's price, I'm pretty, PRETTY darn sure that the PS3 would be selling marveously. Xbox 360 sold nice, and still is.

But yeah, I'm pretty sick of the people on this forum bashing PS3 at every chance they get, while if there's even a sniff of wii bashing, 99% of the forum goes, "LETZ B@ 2GITHUR 2 SMYT DA INFADEL!!!1"

Now, if you magically found a letter on the ground that said, "Here. 600 smackaroonies for a PS3. But ONLY for a PS3," how many of you would go get that said PS3?

I know I sure would. You KNOW that some great RPGs are gonna come out on the PS3, like the PS2. And with super-fine graphics compared to the wii? Schwiiiing~
Sure, maybe it won't have the neato motion sensing (or it might.. But that wouldn't make too much sense for an RPG with the PS3 controller..), but it's an RPG for SONY.

But yeah, simple poll. Would you get it or no?

Note: If you post upon this board, you give your word that you will not bash the PS3 at all. You will stay ON TOPIC (the topic is "If you had the money, would you get a PS3?" if you have short-term memory loss).
if that happened id be like: **** YAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
Sony says to get a second job, sell your mother and first born child to get a PS3...sounds like a good deal to me. Then again, if you have two jobs, when will you have time to play it!?
mmmmmmmmmmmm...I wouldn't get one for a while because what happend to the ps2...most of the newer ones messed up i dont know why but thousands of people had to send their's to get repared etc. they all said disk read error, i am not saying they are **** because i have 4 ps2's but one messed up and could only play ps1 games =D i think ps3 will be great, my mate is getting one as soon as they come out (in England) i need to add some people to my wii freinds so if you would like you could add me, send me an email or add me on windows live messenger or msn lol [email protected] please add me...
Master Foot said:
Sony says to get a second job, sell your mother and first born child to get a PS3...sounds like a good deal to me. Then again, if you have two jobs, when will you have time to play it!?
uhh...read the first post? :eek:ut:
No, I'd spend it on something else. Maybe I'd save more mony for a flatscreen. I don't need 2 7th gen. gaming systems.
FR. said:
No, I'd spend it on something else. Maybe I'd save more mony for a flatscreen. I don't need 2 7th gen. gaming systems.
People read the first post....:mad2: :incazzato:
if i got 600 dollars for a ps3 i would go buy an Xbox 360. With the left over money i'd buy games for xbox 360 and wii and another 360 controller. Not because of a hate for Sony, just because i think the xbox 360 is an overall better system.
ARav989 said:
if i got 600 dollars for a ps3 i would go buy an Xbox 360. With the left over money i'd buy games for xbox 360 and wii and another 360 controller. Not because of a hate for Sony, just because i think the xbox 360 is an overall better system.
it says 600 for ONLY a ps3

and to the person above x 2, its called standard TV support.......
yeah but if its meant only for a PS3 and some random person you never met before left you money for it how can they reinforce that you did spend it for a PS3? I would consider it a gift and after I bought my system with it, what are they gonna do about about? Now if i signed a paper saying i would buy a PS3 with the money, then yes I would obey that paper. Besides the original poster asked what would You do with it.

sorry if that sounded like ranting. can't really tell if that is considered it.