If you could make your own game...


Oct 2, 2007
San jose
Wii Online Code
If you could make your Own Game for the wii, (Or even migrate one from another console) what would it be?

For me, it would be Skate for wii. I WOULD FIND A WAY!!!!
I can't disagree with that choice, skate is one of the best skateboarding games I've played. Though I would like to move over Gears of War with the online multiplayer and everything.
I'm sure I could think of something better but the first Max Payne was fun. So I'd make it 'feel' like the first one but be completely different of course.
tank said:
haha I have to agree with Halo Wii.....that would be nice

That or Socom....that was a pretty good franchise also
I never got into Socom, but I heard it was very good.
Final Fantasy 7 Remake for the Nintendo Wii :lol:

Or a true Final Fantasy game none of this Crystal Chronicles shite!
i'd make SoulCalibur 4 for the wii or mayby GTA 4..... :( too bad these games won't be on wii.... :~(
not sure if this maybe in the pipeline or not but "Star Wars: Light Sabre"

using the wiimote as a light sabre would be wicked!
