I'd appreciate some help

I really hope you were expecting this many responses from Nintendo fans, otherwise your research is going to be overly biased and basically useless.

+Leve is at a discounted price the day after Valentines :wink:

Wheres the Other option in most the questions
Fire Flower said:
Done. But since this is a Wii forum, don't you think the survey will be pretty much Nintendo fanboys?
There really isn't an excessive amount of fanboys that I've noticed on this site, especially in the Lounge, but you do make a valid point.

Also, I finished the questionnaire, but my browser stopped working as I finished so I'm not sure if it submitted.
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Fire Flower said:
Done. But since this is a Wii forum, don't you think the survey will be pretty much Nintendo fanboys?

well if they are it balances out the xbox and playstation fanboys that i've asked as well.

Thanks very much to all of you for completing it so far - you've really helped up the response from nintendo fans :)

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