i was just wondering what is your online user name is that your console nickname? and


WiiChat Member
Feb 18, 2008
Wii Online Code
is your online username the console nickname if not wat is it? also i was wondering wat is your friends code thing? is that the mac address or is that like the code on the bottom of your wii?:wtf:
wii-nerd54 said:
is your online username the console nickname if not wat is it? also i was wondering wat is your friends code thing? is that the mac address or is that like the code on the bottom of your wii?:wtf:
go to message board and click on the register thing and youll say your code its there. u use it to have friends send mail, gifts,miis and much more... any more questions?
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ssbbking said:
go to message board and click on the register thing and youll say your code its there. u use it to have friends send mail, gifts,miis and much more... any more questions?
one more question will u add me??????? and by the way i love ssbb!!!:lol: and if you will add me wat is your friend thing? code or watever mine is 3007-7145-0753-3877
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kk ty lol ur my first wii friend ill enjoy beating u in brawl lol if u get i already reserved it
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theres a topic for friends codes in the online section of the forums.
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so ill look forward to fighting u on brawl as soon as u add me and when brawl comes out
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no wat is the tournament mingus made?
Did anyone answer his original question, as in what is your Wii online username? Is it the "console nickname" that you set in Options? I also wondered about that.

I'll see y'all on Brawl Wi-Fi!!

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