I need your voice


An ancient one, banner of over a thousand acunts
Staff member
May 30, 2006
Super Mancyland
Wii Online Code
I got my week off work
I'm gona be workin on a song so I need some peoples voice's sayin SPAM you can say it how ever you want (you can even add effects)but keep it short
You can upload it to there and PM me with the code it gives

The songs name will not be said until its finished

It will probably be annoyin
It will be better than that frog
If I make any cash from it the profits will go to a animal sanctuary
With your voice I will own your soul
Lol this is what you do with your spare time :lol:

I'll probably help you out when I get home :D

Why not..
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No this is new
I want to get the hang of this song makein thing

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