Pink Floyd Addict
okay, i need to know if you think i should get a Wii or not. the main reason im considering it is because of Twilight Princess and Red Steel. For a long time, I've been so excited for the Wii launch but i wasn't able to save any money because I never get any. So now, i need to know whether you think i should start saving or not, because I saw a video on of them playing the Wii, and the games look really boring. Like, Wii sports looks kinda boring. and Excite truck, the handling was really bad and they said that the steering is too sensitive. but Twilight Princess looks amazing.. and I'm a REALLY big Zelda fan, so should i save up for Wii to get Twilight Princess and Red Steel, or should i just buy the Gamecube version of Twilight Princess? (by the way, on they said that the gamecube version of TP is a mirrored version of the game, meaning that left turns in the Wii version right turns are in the Gamecube version.)