I just bought wii. I wonder, Is online free or pay.?


WiiChat Member
Feb 27, 2008
I just bought wii. I wonder, Is online free or pay.? Iread one of post it said free and other said pay. I need update answer.

thank you .

Playing the wii online is free. The thread you saw is problably talking about the "pay to play" option that has been announced. This will be in certain games but no games that are being released soon.
Raz100perc said:
I just bought wii. I wonder, Is online free or pay.? Iread one of post it said free and other said pay. I need update answer.

thank you .

You may have misunderstood them. The internet browser costs 500 wii points, but the games are free to play online.
Technically, it is free. But if you need to buy some equipment to get on there, such as a wireless router, then you would need to spend some money.
even then pay to play refers to "extra features" like DLC/Voice chat, not the online play itself.
Atleast based on what nintendo reps have said so far, also why pay to play is going to be on a game to game basis and not a new online service, it only covers games that use "extra features". It will only cost you to download stuff and maybe for voice chat in the future.

Beyond that to do anything online with the Wii is free aslong as you have it hooked up to the internet. You simply have to pay to download things onto your Wii as anyone would probably expect to have to do.
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In the FUTURE, Nintendo will have pay 'n play. But now, going online is free. Unless you want to buy channels, (cool interactive things), or virtual console games, (games from NES, SNES, ect), then you'll have to buy Wii Points at a store.
Dumbass_Luigi said:
In the FUTURE, Nintendo will have pay 'n play. But now, going online is free. Unless you want to buy channels, (cool interactive things), or virtual console games, (games from NES, SNES, ect), then you'll have to buy Wii Points at a store.

Even then they have not mention charging for online servie at all, the Pay to play has only been mentioned when it comes to extra online features not the basic "get online and play somone else". Most likely online play will continue to be free for the life of the console because they are in contract for this service and have already paid for it.

We will just have to pay for the bells and whistles on some games if we want them in the future.
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there was a pay and play thing that has been anounced and has yet to come out so right now all the online games are free. you will know because instead of the nintendo wifi logo there will be a pay and play logo.
matthewj said:
there was a pay and play thing that has been anounced and has yet to come out so right now all the online games are free. you will know because instead of the nintendo wifi logo there will be a pay and play logo.

They have not mentioned charging to go online at all for games! That is all speculation and bad interpretation. Look for yourself, so far its only for "extra online features", not the online service itself. "atleast no one at Nintendo has ever said anything of the sort"

Nintendo's Takashi Aoyama announced a new Pay to Play program. This will be a new version of the Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection (NWFC). Aoyama explained that NWFC will remain a free service, but forthcoming experiences will require users to pay a fee to enjoy. These services will fall under the new NWFC: Pay to Play program. Games that utilize the new service will feature a logo similar to the one used for NWFC but is orange and reads Pay to Play at the bottom.

He did say Nintendo is taking steps to ensure consumers don't mistakenly buy a Pay to Play game with the expectation that they will be able to access the entire game for no extra charge
i.e. DLC/Voice and other such extra features they didnt include with there online service contract.

Even more..

Nintendo's Takashi Aoyama announced a new expansion to Nintendo's Wi-Fi services called Wii Pay & Play. Aoyama explained that Nintendo will begin "collecting fees for some services [that] will allow us to adapt flexibly." In other words, by subsidizing additional, unnamed service and feature costs to consumers, Nintendo feels they can explore new concepts and channels.

He added that it was a Nintendo initiative to avoid misleading consumers into thinking they can buy games that can be played entirely free when they cannot (whether or not this implies an initiative to begin charging for multiplayer content was unclear). To aid in a clear cost presentation, the blue WFC logo will be joined with a similar red logo featuring the line "Pay & Play.

Don't believe the rumors, they might have been vauge on what they ment by it but there was no mention of having to pay for the online service at all even in the future.
I don't know why people keep thinking this is some new online service for Nintendo, its pretty clear in every interview that this is for extra services, "like DLC/Voice Chat" and we already know they are on the way to the Wii so its pretty obvious.
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Thank u guys all for reply posts. I dont have router wireless but i do have router and high speed internet to my computer. i m going to buy Nyko Net Connect Wii for wii connect to my router thru internet. is that right item? :scared:

Any suggestion best game can play online before i consider buy more games at the store? :smilewinkgrin:
Nintendo have officially stated that online play is free, but I have read recently that software publishers may charge a fee for playing their game online, if they wanted to.

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