how much breathing room does a wii need?


WiiChat Member
Nov 21, 2007
well i got my wii today...and before i set it up i was wondering how much breathing room it needs..i have a ps3 and i give it about 6 inches on all sides..i wouldent think the wii needs that much since it isnt as much of a power house as the ps3 (not to take away anything from the wii...its awesome) but i was just wondering how cramped i can make it and it still run well
i barely give mine any room and I've had it for months and it runs fine.
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hm..sounds good..oh and another much internal memory does the wii have? how much can i save before i need to buy a memory card
blarbel said:
hm..sounds good..oh and another much internal memory does the wii have? how much can i save before i need to buy a memory card
The Wii has 512MB of Internal Memory, you could fit a couple of games and stuff on it...
You can fit a lot of Wii games, Gamecube games and Virtual Console games on it actually. Not just a few.

Memory is pretty solid.
If you want to buy a memory card anyway though, Circuit City has a good deal: 2GB SD card for $7 online. I just got one yesterday. Although I doubt I'll ever use it now...
you don't need much room but if you put it in a cramped space i'd suggest buying the lighted fanstand from gamestop, it has a fan on the bottom of it and it looks cool because it lights up. i think they're 15 dollars and they make a fan to hook up in the back of the wii for 10 dollars and gamestop
i think if you wrapped it in a blanket and played it for six hours it would still be fine. ok..thats a little extreme, but it doesnt need much at all. an inch or 2 should be more than enough.
my Wii is sitting in a cloud of dust in the bottom corner of a bookshelf. Its as close as to the wall as possible. I've never turned off my Wii since I bought it 3 months ago. Its always been on standby when i stop playing. Looks pretty healthy to me. One quick wipe of the finger and I can see myself in the reflection.
Like the previous posters have mentioned, Wii doesn't need a lot of space around it (maybe a couple of inches, or about 5 cm). If you use it frequently, or have it on standby (WiiConnect24), then you might want a little bit more room, but I don't think it's necessary.
had mine on standby since december 7, and mine still works. and has not much breathing room (its surronded with all the other systems). just dont worry about breathing room, as long its in a safe stable place you should be fine.
im always shifting mine between parents houses but so it never really collects dust... but i am always careful with over heating now since my computer gathered heaps of dust on the game card and kept freezing for over a week and i couldn't figure out why thought it was a viris...

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