How many miis do you have.

I have about 25.
One for every person who has played. I don't make up celebrities, etc.
That way in 5 years I'll go into the Mii channel and bring back the memories of Christmas 2006.
I have 15 i make them when im bored its alot of fun lol
I have 13. Yes I realize the coincidence. I'm waiting for online gaming before I add anyone else to my Mii plaza. I remember maxing out my list in games like PSO. So I'm leaving space early this time. I planned ahead! I hope...
I use to have like 60 or 70...but then I deleted a bunch so now I have 31
I got a good 20 i believe or close to that number... for some reason its very sickening yet very humorous to see Dick Chaney hit a homerun in wii sports hahha
i think over 60...around there >.>. I found a website on different miis and made anime characters >.>