How is the online play going to be?


WiiChat Member
Aug 23, 2006
Since its free, i read somewhere that sony had a free one and it was crappy. Is this going to be the same. I hope the online is going to be good.. Anyone know anything about this?
it depends if they make it broadband only or not. if they allow people with 56K, we might get alot of very laggy games but if they make it broadband only then we will only get a few laggy games
basically, your just uploading your data and your recieving someone elses data. 56k will suck at that. most pple that will play online got broadband (hopefully). games will be online by 2007, i think Battalion wars 2 is gonna be the first online game.
no. it will be great. if pple with a slow internet connection play with you it will lag/slow down your game. if u play with pple with a good connection/broadband u will be fine.
No? What makes you thing that? If all users had 4 MB connection there would hardly be any lagg (Only the lagg that is caused by the Wii, which shouldnt be a problem since the games are design perfectly for the wii (Next to computers, where people with super computers and crap'some computers can play the same game)).
yankeesrule13251 said:
so in other words, either way online play is going to be slow, and crappy?

Not exactly, there are 2 things that will make the game lag:

1. If there are a bunch of people on the same server as you (obviously)

2. If someone has a crappy connection (Example: Dial-up/AOL) they will make themself lag, along with you, so that will also lag up the online.

But say only about 10 people with a Broadband connection (Example: Comcast High speed Internet) the game will be absolutley fine, with maybe a bit of lag, but that's with every game, everyone lags a bit.

EDIT: Haha, like, the second I clicked to add a reply, 2 other people did :lol:
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My mainly concern is that the online game play works and that when i want to play a game that can be played online works. it will and wheni find someont to play with, it will work.. Thats pretty much it and i dont want it to take 45 minutes to load to play a online game.... THat sounds fair.. i think
It won't be that way. There will probably be servers close to your location, and the lagg won't be as you fear! Don't worry!
yankeesrule13251 said:
My mainly concern is that the online game play works and that when i want to play a game that can be played online works. it will and wheni find someont to play with, it will work.. Thats pretty much it and i dont want it to take 45 minutes to load to play a online game.... THat sounds fair.. i think
err.. u being sarcastic or did u just write a typo?
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ok, thanks, i always like to have everything answered before i buy something, so it wont be a shock to me..... I am going to preorder from ebgames very soon ( they updated the page so there is a offical wii page with games etc and they added wii the the top bar where it has all of the systems)........

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