How I got my Xbox


Mar 30, 2007
Well here goes.

I was in the 8th grade, final semester, near the end of the semester too. I was in English, and being that it was near the end of the semester, being lazy, they let us have a free day off in class.

I had recently gotten a Gameboy SP, and was playing pokemon on it (can't remember which version, but it may have been Sapphire), with some other guys in the class who only had gameboy advances. Well we got to talking, and he was saying how bad he really wanted my SP. I told him there wasn't much I would trade it for, and thats when he said he trade me his Xbox for it.
Well, of course I didn't believe him, but I told him if he brought it tommorow, I'd trade him for it.

Next day, I was standing outside of the school (it's how everyone waits for the teachers to let us in when they decide they're ready), hanging out with my friends. Well, I notice the guy from English class carrying a large case. He spots me, comes over to where I am and asks if I have my SP. I said I did, and I looked in the case, and wow... Xboxalicious. We traded.
Later on in school, I took a better look inside. Along with the not so used Xbox, were two controllers, 3 games (Dynasty Warriors 3, Xmen fighting game, and Morrowind), along with his gameboy advance and all the needed wires to just hook up and play.

Quite a deal, huh?
wow what an idiot
trading all that just for a freakin sp
he could have traded in and bought one then still had some
ha ha ha. That must be the most spoiled kid in the world. To always get what he wants right now... And not know the value difference of an xbox and an sp.
please tell me it was the original Xbox otherwise you should get that guy some white padded walls
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WiiZero said:
please tell me it was the original Xbox otherwise you should get that guy some white padded walls

It was. But still at the time...

He was probably riding that "school's almost over high."

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