How do you get friends?


The Seagulls Cry.
Feb 6, 2007
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How do you get friends, in real life? Say you moved into a new city or town, and you have no friends....Do you get friends at school, or do you search the neighborhood for friends?.....or anything else....

I got most of my friends at school....I'm not an active person...but I is a funny guy...especially at Lunch. One time my friend, Dennis (A.K.A: Dennise), said: "Hey, Tyler's gay," and I screamed: "YOU'RE GAY!?!".....hehe.....

....Also, for some of you people who think I am, I'm not asking for advice on how to get friends...I'm just asking how you got your friends.
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it comes natural. im a class clown really :)

i like being funny, so thats why i have friends. they come to me, as in they start talkin to me like ill be walkin to one of my classes and out of no where theyll be like "Hey Hugo!!!"

so yea, i dont really have like some strategy to get new friends. if they wanna talk to me, then ill talk to them and so on.

every new school year, i always make more new friends. i love it :) thank god for my comedy ways :):)......... cause honestly, if i wasnt a least bit funny, i would be a loner.........and god knows no one wants to be that :nonod: :nonod: :nonod: :nonod:

lol, jk, actually my ds lite got me quite a few friends.
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Hah, well usually I get new friends from hanging out with my friends and talking to their friends I haven't met before, also I like to joke and talk to people at parties which gets me more friends, and can't go wrong with school as a starting point. Besides that work always facilitates meeting new people, thus new friends.
why would you ask unless you are looking for ways to find friends? anyway theres no secret code or technique..just talk to people...cmon now this is rediculous !
Just hapens really.. I've moved like 5 times now.. everty time I move I know less and less people, last 2 times I haven't known anyone so it was always just from school, and now college.
I've met all my friends at school, including my girlfriend. School is basically my social point because, when I'm a home, i'm only social on the internet, or if my friends call me.

School is created for education, but most teenagers these days go for drugs, to hang out, or cause trouble. I enjoy my school sometimes though, my teachers are nice, and I have to do well this term.
Yeah, friends just come together without looking. You just start talking to someone on your way to Uni for example, and voila, they are now added to your "real-life" friends list. :lol:
...I'd be totally screwed in life if people actually came with a deny button.

But, anyway, I had friends in school, just people I used to talk to. I didn't stick with them, they were great for conversation and had crap loads of money I couldn't keep up with but I still have no idea why I didn't stick with them. My best friend, however, was a junkie, I tried pushing sense into her but she just wasn't getting any, she was fantastic to talk to...

In college I now have eeveeerryone to talk to. Whereas, in school I just had little girls my age to talk to, which sucked big time. First of all I always moan about things, people have more negative things to talk about, I just get angered quite easily, often complaining about getting lost and late buses, the usual.

Buuut, today my only friend in my IT class dropped it. So I just sat there and listened to everyone else's conversation, talking about Halo of course, then I started laughing and asked they explain the fascination to me. Still don't get that game. But IT is much less painful now.
hmm...i really dont know.....maybe they chose me....maybe cause im a fun guy to hang around with or i tend to be clumsy all the time....that could be it too.....:lol:
wario2ooo said:
hmm...i really dont know.....maybe they chose me....maybe cause im a fun guy to hang around with or i tend to be clumsy all the time....that could be it too.....:lol:

"I don't choose friends. They choose me"

La de daaa.

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