Holy Wii games Batman


Guru of everything Ninty
Feb 12, 2007
Michigan, USA
Wii Online Code
Just walked into my local Super Walmart.. it has been maybe a week since last time i was there... The whole electronics section is changed around. The video game section has always consisted of 12 large glass cases it use to be 5 cases Sony PS2/PS3/PSP, 4 cases Xbox/360, and finnaly 3 cases Nintendo GC/GBA&DS/Wii...

To my suprise today is a whole new story i walk in there is 4 cases Sony 3 Xbox and 5 Nintendo
Consisting of now 2 1/2 full cases of just Wii games stocked full of titles i never saw at walmart such as MOHH2/zack and wiki/No More Hero's ect... Just about as many games as i have seen at Gamestop for Wii ... Pretty geeked because they do have decent sales on there games once in a while... Anyone else notice this change in there area?
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Interesting. Because I have seen everything except Zak and Wiki around me, though with the 3 cases. Nothing has changed yet in terms of organization though.
Well, in my Wal-Mart's location the change is slightly more subtle (Xbox only has 1) but Sony and Nintendo are balanced.

Got me all excited, I thought this was about Batman :(
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They haven't had any decent ones at mine besides 1st party that everyone has, its mainly the Kids games... Until now.

And i was hard pressed to find any good 3rd party titles around this area they get bought up so fast... Ive had to pre-order alot of the bigger 3rd party games or buy them online because of the lack of stock...
Hmm, check other retailers, I've always found Wal-Mart to ship in mass quantities of 3rd party games and virtually ignore 1st party developers with the exception of a few (best sellers, of course).
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Well i can still get the games thats not really a problem, we have Target,Meijer,Best Buy,EB Games and Gamestop all near by and like i said i order online aswell...

Its just that we are always in Walmart grocery shopping and what not, so its easy to con the wife into letting me grab another game with a cart full of crap already... You would understand if your married lol...
Anytime i go out thats not for a reason including her "like buying video games" i gotta listen to alot of grief...lol
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